Sunday, April 12, 2009

LIFE is a BATTLE, not WAR...


Today is Easter's day,,yah everyone knows it..
yesterday, I went church with Merlin, exactly KAPE 1, hehe, and the theme is THE INVISIBLE BATTLE..

and I got 3 point, and I dont want to keep it alone, because I'll share with you guys,

1. LIFE is a BATTLE and the BATTLE is real, and we have to choose. we couldn't blame devil because of our sin, devil is just doing his duty of us, to tempt us as Jesus's children, so we should to blame ourselves because we had chosen to take devil's tempt. LIFE is a BATTLE, wherever we have to wage war the sin, devil's tempt..

the conversation :
Evangelist : "Narkoba itu tidak baik, Tuhan tidak suka ketika anak-anakNya melakukan dosa, memakai narkoba, berjudi, dan sebagainya."
A child : "Loh, Bapak tau darimana narkoba tidak baik? Apakah Bapak sudah pernah mencobanya?"
Evangelist : "Bapak belum pernah mencobanya. Jangan bodoh nak, berarti penjara baik dong?"
A child : "Tidak lah pak"
Evangelist : "Memangnya kamu sudah pernah masuk penjara? Tidak semua hal perlu kita lakukan, kalau kita melakukannya, maka kita akan hancur terlebih dahulu."

2. we may lose the battle but JESUS has WON the WAR. if we lose today, we fight again tomorrow, if we win, we fight again tomorrow, because LIFE ia a BATTLE, like Mr. Andrie Wongso's word "GAGAl, BANGKIT lagi, GAGAL dan BANGKIT lagi."

3. we have to STAND FIRM, (ephesians 6 : 10-11)
eventhough we lose the battle, we have to fight, eventhough we win the battle, we still have to fight...

LIFE is a BATTLE, do you realize?
yes, I realize it.'

we can deal with it, by PRAYING, READING BIBLE, and STANDING FIRM, so we can hold out until the end of our life..

that's all of 3 point, hehe..
I think I'm so far from God, and I have to renew my relationship with God.
because God had died for me and all of you...

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