Thursday, February 26, 2009

shock bercampur HAHAHAHA...

wew, ni hari kuliah algoritma, dgn pengantar pasar modal,d pkr2 2-2nya bgs tuh, judulnya keren2,
dan saat d hadapi, algo sih enak...sngt enak pula...

BEH, pas pasar modal, dosennya, bwt sa SPEECHLESS mi,,,br pertemuan 1, sdh byk tgs, dan d srh bwt paper, OMG,,,,blm kiamat bu...

dosennya sdh kecil, kurus, tp suaranya kdg kecil, dan kdg besar, hingga yg tertidur pun bisa terbgn lagi....

dan dy ngajar, memberi pertanyaan lisan, kita hrs menjawabnya dgn S-P-O-K...
blm lagi nda blh singkatan2,,,,

pertama2, msk kelas, bknnya memperkenalkan diri, mlh srh tls detail suatu tgs,,,PERTAMA MASUK NIH, LSG ADA TGS...

tuh shocknya,,,,

tp HAHAHAHAnya, coz wk's blog,,,'s nice...

"hari ini adalah hari selasa, katanya orang bule sih today is tuesday. setelah semalam tdk tidur karena kebanyakan memotong kayu, maka pagi ini sayapun ke skolah dengan wajah sperti tukang kayu. kelas sy d mulai pada pukul 8.15 dan sy berangkat ke skolah pada pukul 8.30, dengan tampang seperti panda cina krn tdk tidur semalam maka saya pun berangkat ke skolah. krn berhubung sy pergi ke skolah agak cepat, maka saya menggunakan taxi agar dapat tiba d skolah agak lama."

OMG, itu mah sdh telat, mknya naek taxi, hbt nih wk, smkn pintar sj menulis suatu hiperbola.....

"siangnya, sy pun pergi ke sebuah restauran utk makan siang yg katanya orang bule sih having lunch. di restauran itu saya bertemu dgn kawan2 sy yg berwarna ungu, hijau, kuning dan merah lalu kami pun berpelukaann(ini ketemu teman ato ketemu teletubies??). "

BEH, ktm btlan, ato tmn planet mu wk????

btl kata mu wk, bisa ketawa semalaman, sampe bwt tetangga bgn,,,wkakaka

"setelah selesai makan siang d restauran tersebut, kami semua berencana pergi ke starbucks utk mengadakan acara kemah dan pesta api unggun."

d starbuck ada t4 bgt k???wkakkakak
kw nya mlh yg d usir wk,,,

"lama berbincang2 di starbucks kamipun merasa bosan. saking bosannya, minuman yg td sy beli terpaksa sy telan pipetnya dan saya pun harus d larikan ke rumah sakit utk menjalani operasi plastik di tangan."



bukannya mulut yg d operasi krn menelan pipet????HAHAHAHA


to be continued

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

fiuh, finally, I'm back guys..

finally, i can online, and I open my fb, and i upload new photos, when i was in holiday....
1st in Bali, i went to the place, that it had been exploded, and near with Kuta. but it's far, if you were looking for that place by walking..but it was nice, to be there, at that time...

this photos, taken with all of its part..

i like this photos, because its art so nice,

can you see all of its names???hehe, it's BIG NOPE...

yeah, those people from Australia, New Zealand, Dutch, Denmark, England, Italy, Germany,
Portuguese, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Greece, US, Brazil, Ecuador, Canada, South African, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and the last is Indonesia.

and there are some photo again, and these photos are taken in front of Kuta Beach..

i dunno what the meaning of this statue..

and this tree is so heavy, i think...

it's so horrified, isn't it???

I was in Bali, at February 11th until 15th, it can't be said by words, it's nice, and I didn't go waterboom, (sayang sekali)...hehehe

then, Feb 15th, I came to my hometown, yeah it's Makassar, and not forget, I went out with some of my friends, there were siska, jennifer thomasyadi, rendy prayogo, and pratiwi.

yeah, where it is?

with jete, and siska...

together, we ride picnic bus, with chibi maruko chan...

and, now I'm in Jakarta again, to start new semester, yeah exactly, 2nd semester, i hope, i'll get my new spirit, pray foe me guys...

btw, I miss steven so much,,,and mega, also vee, that I've never met them in this recently holiday,,,
you know i love you so much...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bali + Makassar = HOLIDAY

this morning I'm so hungry, hiks hiks...


yeah, but today I'll be in Bali at 2 pm, this is holiday, I'm' so happy, even though I haven't been in Makassar yet. but don't worry at Feb 15th, I''ll come to visit Makassar, and I wanna meet all my friend, if they're still in Makassar..

and I'm sorry too, becoz, in Bali and Makassar I can't write a new post, be patient please..wait for me at Feb 22nd...

ganbatte ne!!

I'll miss my parents, my best friends (jete, mega, siska, cici, tiwi), mine (steven ongsoredjo), and my brother of course lah...

=the end=

Sunday, February 08, 2009

sunday morning..

finally, i had finished my six subject for my final test in this week. you know it's so hard to do that, there's one subject, I will finish it at Monday, exactly, it is tomorrow, and I haven't studied it yet..and now, I'm sick, all of part of my body, so sick..hehe, it's a sick, isn't it??

btw, today is EKA's birthday, one of m y friend in high school, and now he is in far, ka..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ka...wish you all the best yah..

I'm so missing my parents, I want to take a univ in mks, but my parents not permit me, to do that. yeah, and I have to prove that I'll do my best in binus, yeha ganbatte step.

now, I have to study PTI, the one that I never understand the lesson, when the lecturer thaught us, he always tell about apple, and iphone, and you know i called him mr.promotion.

hmm, this is sunday, so, happy sunday my friends..

Monday, February 02, 2009

tired of facing the final exam.

yeah, it's true, its so tired to face the final exam this week.
so, after this week, it'll be a nice holiday, for me.i'll go to bali, with my parents.
and im so afraid if i dont see siska, in mks.
becoz, ill go to mks, at feb 15th, and siska will come back to ausy at feb 16th.

so, i'll finish the exam then think about how to see her soon.