Monday, April 27, 2009

two advices.

today, ewel gives me two advices, there are :

1. Orang yang memiliki kejahatan tidak akan tahan untuk berbuat baik ,tapi klalau orang yang baik pasti dia tahan untuk selalu berbuat baik karena memang kepribadiannya.

2. Kita ngak boleh bergantung sama seseorang 100%, karena manusia bisa membuat kita kecewa, tapi bergantunglah pada Tuhan karena DIA tak pernah membuatmu kecewa.

and I think, I want to be a good girl, and I'm trying to reduce my minus bout my speak manner (I'm so fussy), my path manner (I walk like the other boys) as feminine, my attitude (off course, step!)...

I want to improve my insight bout everything (I don't want to be a "polos" girl anymore), my friend always said that I'm nerd, OMG!. i don't want to be called like that..

the one, that I want to change bout my style, haha..ckck

and don't forget, I want to be close with God...
because HE gives the best for me, as his child..

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