Tuesday, March 31, 2009

about something.

OMG!!, i didn't write new post since last week, sory guys..yesterday, I've got email from Ev. Jeffrey, about David's case, and I think he didn't kill his prof,. BUT! His prof killed David, because he wanted to take David's project illegal. That's right. If you want to know the complete story, you can ym with me, and I'll give more.


what do you think?? I'm so interested in this case, hehe, I don't know why.

btw, this last two days, I felt so bored, and that's why I didn't write new post last week.
I'm free today, holiday.
tomorrow my dad will coming to jkt, but will go to bandung, I don't know can I meet him, or not.
let us see tomorrow, guys..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ganbatte ne Step!!

Actually today, wake up at 9 am, and take a bath. after that, go to the campus, to follow the momod's meeting (forum moderator). and I'm chosen to be english momod. but I think I'm not smart in english, but thank you to give me trust to be that. I'm going church tonight because this saturday I've been pianist in KP1. but before that, I have to study about PPM (Financial Market Introduction) because I have a quiz tomorrow.

And I feel I miss moment, when all of my betties held conference, and shared problems. but maybe all of them are busy, because of test, final test maybe. so I pray for them, so they can do their best.

I'm sick, not sick of love,haha, but I've been hit heavy influenza and cough too, so poor me. I'm so difficult to sleep at night, and trying to breath by mouth, and the day after that my mouth so dry, I'm feel so thirsty. My mom does too. I mean my mom in Makassar were in heavy influenza, same with me. fiuh. God bless me and my mom.

I'm promised with my self to be diligent right now, and don't over appear in front of the laptop, you know what I'm doing. yeah, I wanna change my self, and I'll get good IP this semester, that's my promise. If it doesn't came from my mind, myself, and me, so who wants to change myself? Of course, me me and me. Ganbatte ne step!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


yesterday, I ate sushi at Crowne Plaza, near semanggi..with my bro, merlin, and ben (my friend)
It's all you can eat, you have to pay it Rp 128.000++net..heheh, After that, I was so fulled, and can be called buncit..wkwkwkw

with merlin, in the toilet, wkwkw

LOVE sushi (^^,)

together of us, my bro, me, merlin, and ben...

you know lah, this's chawan mushi, wkwkw

and I came back home at 10pm, wow..
wkwkwkwkw, it was fun..
Poke sushi, come to me please...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

If I were a Boy,

I'm inspiration with Beyonce's song, "If I were a Boy". This's the lyrics :

"If I were a boy, even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning and throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys, and chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted and I'd never get confronted for it
Cause they stick up for me

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy, I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken so they think that I was sleeping alone
I'd put myself first and make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she'd be faithful, waiting for me to come home
To come home

If I were a boy
I think I could understand, oh-oh-oohh-oh
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake, think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You got it wrong

But you're just a boy
And you don't understand (yea, you don't understand, oh!)
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man
You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Because you've taken her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

But you're just a boy"

Can you imagine if you were a boy??? You can do the boy's thing..
A big WEW!!.
hehehe, But we have to thankful to God, because He created us in what we are.
then, I'm a girl now, and I have parents, brother, friends, and especially I have my betties, a boyfriend, and BIG FAMILY in Jesus Christ.
I don't regret it, but I'm grateful because of them..
So, If I were a boy, the answer is I would do the boy's thing, everything lah...

this day

Today, I'm in holiday, that's the true, tuesday and thursday I'm given holidays in one week, almost in this 2nd semester. Today again, I go to TA with my brother, his friend, and merlin. I don't know, why we can have fun, laugh, and talk together. heheh, then for dinner, we eat at Gokana, near timezone. And for today, I've just known, that Harry and I, have family relationship. That's good..that's is true that the world is too small, isn't it?

Sunday, March 15, 2009


yesterday and today, my day is fulled by doing nothing. yesterday, I finished study at 1 pm, and after that, i went home to sleep again, and 3.30 pm merlin invited me to eat lunch BAKMI AYAM, the new foodcourt, and then take a bath, and ready to go church alone. At GKY GV, i followed KAPE 1, a.k.a kebhakthian phemuda shathu. and I got something, when i heard the speaker said, if we work, oneday, we work for God's glory, not for the money. then I went home again, then I was online, to chat or skype with Steven, but he was not in his room. then I sent messages to him, that I want to off, and take a rest, but when I sent it, I didn't want to off, until he was at home, then I was so tired of waiting for him, and suddenly I was not in a good mood. He said, he never saw me online in his msn, and because of my messages he went home lately, he thought useless that he went home early. he went to church too, and BBQ with his friends..
continue with today, in all day, I'm online, and he's not online again,.it makes me can't say anything..fiuhhhhhhhhhhhh..but, I'm still wait for him actually..

and I don't do anything, and I have plan to write a new post, and I think I''ll tell you all of you guys, about the meaning of names..(www.thinkbabynames.com)

1. Stephanie. Its meaning is "crown, garland"
2. Carissa. Its meaning is "grace". Because the meaning of Mega, I don't get it...and I call her with me...
3. Siska and Vionna. There aren't meaning of your name..Sory both of you, but you're still my best friend forever and ever..I call siska, with sis, for vionna, sometimes with cici, but can be calles with vee..
4. Jennifer. Its meaning is "fair one". "Jete, have you finished your homework?", yeah, I call her, Jete..
5. Harry. Its meaning is "home ruler". with this guy, I call him "HAR..."
6. Steven. Its meaning is Crown..you know lah, what name if you call your boyfriend???so, I don't tell you anymore..(http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com)

but, all of my best friend (LG), sometimes I call them, with one names,

today, I'm watching Green Forest My Home at youtube..it's boring activity, yeah..
and eating snacks (with s, it means plural, plulal as kylie said before)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, enough!

Monday until tomorrow, no college, yeah. Monday and today my class is off, I'm so happy. In sunday, I went to Cisarua, I followed MINISTRY GATHERING (March 8th-9th 2009) that held by Kape1 GKYGV. I was blessed in two days, how important we serve our God with our holy heart that given God to us.

The place's name is Vylla Myco.

The dining room, the outdoor place, it's fn too

It can be called church, I think.

Inside church, I can't read the chinese's word at the wall (siska siska, help me) ^^

the bedrooms, HAHA,

my roommate ^^

and Monday, we arrived at Jakarta, 5pm, continued Tuesday, I was totally took a rest. and today, I watch Green Forest My Home, steven tells me and give me idea to watch that movie, and so far, I can angry to watch that, but can laugh too. And this afternoon, I go to TA, to watch Confession Of A Shopaholic, it's good, PRADA, GUCCI, YVEST SAINT LAURENT, and the others. They make me want to have it, as mine. HAHAHA. And after watching that, going back to home, and chatting, watching Green Forest again.
And tomorrow, I have to do my homework, have to do that. yeah..

Saturday, March 07, 2009

something that make my mind is fulled with questions!

yeah, I've just read about David Hartanto in his friend's blog, that is the link


and my opinion is Spore and NTU didn't want tell the truth to his family, and public..

and I want to share this in my blog..

"Kejanggalan-kejanggalan yang ada:
1. Munculnya berita bahwa David menyerang Profesor Chan Kap Luk, lalu bunuh diri, padahal tidak ada bekas sayatan di pergelangan tangan seperti yang diberitakan, lalu darimana muncul berita tersebut? Untuk apa dimunculkan berita palsu bahwa David menyayat pergelangan tangannya?

2. Saat keluarga tiba disana senin malam setelah kejadian, keluarga ingin langsung melihat jenazah David, namun dihalangi oleh pihak2 tertentu, dengan alasan sudah peraturan, tentu saja keluarga harus menurut, apalagi saat itu keluarga masih syok. Lalu saat diizinkan melihat kondisi jenazah keesokan harinya, keluarga hanya diizinkan untuk melihat jenazah bagian leher ke atas, sedangkan bagian tubuh yang lain telah ditutupi plastik. Keluarga Hartanto juga telah mengkonfirmasikan ke pihak polisi Singapura, tidak ada luka di bagian pergelangan tangan. Saat itu keluarga Hartanto juga melihat di bagian leher depan (daerah leher dibawah bahu) terdapat banyak plesteran luka.

Pertanyaannya. Untuk apa keluarga Hartanto menunggu 1 hari untuk melihat jenazah keluarga kandung mereka sendiri? Mengapa jenazah harus ditutupi oleh plastik? Apakah benar ada peraturan seperti itu? Atau hanya karangan pihak2 tertentu saja untuk menutupi kenyataan? Darimana asal luka di leher? Mengapa jenazah David terlihat berdarah cukup parah di bagian bokong?

3. Saat keluarga tiba di TKP senin malam, karena tidak diizinkan untuk melihat jenazah, keluarga datang ke NTU untuk melihat TKP, namun saat sampai, polisi tidak menemukan satupun bekas darah ataupun police line. Hebat bukan? Hanya dalam waktu sekitar 7 jam sejak waktu kejadian, TKP telah bersih total, adakah alasan untuk buru2 membersihkan TKP?

4. Lalu keluarga datang melihat kamar David, dan apa yang ditemukan? Ternyata semua peralatan komputer yang ada di kamar David semua MENYALA. Apakah seorang yang mau bunuh diri akan menyalakan semua peralatan komputernya? Bahkan menurut kesaksian seorang teman, account MSN David masih menyala. Apakah hal ini terlihat seperti David mau mengakhiri hidupnya? Bahkan dia masih bermain game online sampai jam 2 pagi di hari kejadian bersama teman yang tadi menjenguk keluarga David.

5. Pada ruangan profesor tertinggal tas David yang biasa dia bawa, dan tebak apa yang dia bawa dalam tasnya? Sebuah handuk dan botol air mineral 1,5 L. (Semua yang mengenal Ming2 pasti tahu, dikelas, sejak SD, Ming2 selalu membawa handuk, bahkan kadang dikalungkan di leher saat berada di kelas, dia juga selalu membawa air minum yang banyak karena mamanya selalu berpesan untuk banyak mengkonsumsi air). Apakah seorang yang mau membunuh, lalu bunuh diri, akan membawa barang seperti itu? Akan jauh lebih mudah untuk membawa sebilah pisau yang besar (lebih besar dari pisau berukuran 10cm yang muncul di TKP, yang entah milik siapa).

6. Keluarga dihalang-halangi saat hendak bertemu dengan Profesor Chan Kap Luk, dengan alasan, saat itu dia sedang di ICU, dan kenyataannya? Hari rabu sang Profesor telah keluar dari rumah sakit. Apakah ada catatan seorang yang menderita luka tusukan parah yang harus masuk ICU, dapat keluar dari rumah sakit dalam tidak sampai 2 hari? Benarkan sang Profesor terluka? Atau hanya membaca koran sambil bersantai di ICU?

7. Saat keluarga ingin bertemu dengan "saksi mata" yang melihat David melompat dari lantai 4, pihak NTU menghalangi dengan alasan hal itu harus dirahasiakan. Oke, kalau begitu, darimana kita tahu kalau benar2 ada orang yang melihat kalau David benar2 melompat, bukannya terjatuh ataupun dijatuhkan orang?

8. Data tentang David dan FYP (Final Year Project) nya telah dihapus dari database NTU. Hanya dalam 2 hari, NTU langsung menghapus data topik FYP yang sedang David kerjakan, adakah alasan khusus dibalik keterburu-buruan pihak NTU untuk menghapus data tersebut? Tidakkah ada rasa ingin mengenang salah satu mahasiswa berprestasinya, alih-alih langsung menghapus data, seakan David tidak pernah kuliah disana?

9. Polisi Singapura menahan Laptop milik David dan akan dikembalikan setelah penyelidikan selesai. Untuk apa?

10. Pisau yang ada di TKP, dilaporkan berasal dari hall 4, itu hasil investigasi? Atau hanya karangan? Seorang teman di NTU berkata bahwa biasanya seorang dosen memiliki pisau kecil di ruangannya yang biasa digunakan untuk memotong buah. Jadi? Itu pisau milik David Hartanto atau Chan Kap Luk?

11. Waktu kejadian adalah sekitar jam 10.45 waktu Singapura hari Senin, apakah tidak terdengar aneh jika hanya sedikit sekali mahasiswa yang ada dan menyaksikan kejadian? Adakah tekanan dari pihak NTU untuk tutup mulut?

12. Senjata yang ditemukan -pisau buah 10cm- ditemukan tanpa gagang, dimanakah gagangnya? Mengapa tidak dilakukan analisa sidik jari? Jelas tidak mungkin menusuk seseorang tanpa menggunakan gagang pisau, jadi entah siapapun yang menusuk siapa, pasti ada gagangnya, namun pemberitaannya belum jelas.

Pemberitaan miring yang disebutkan media pun tidak berdasar, berikut klarifikasinya:

1. David berniat membunuh Profesornya lalu bunuh diri meloncat. Di dalam ruangan tersebut hanya ada David dan Profesor, David telah tiada, dan kesaksian yang bisa didengarkan hanyalah dari Profesor, darimana kita tahu kalau kesaksian tersebut benar? Tanpa bukti2 yang cukup, kesaksian Profesor tersebut tidak bisa dijadikan alasan untuk menyalahkan David.

2. David dikatakan stress karena beasiswanya dicabut, bahkan dia salah sasaran, yaitu mengamuk ke dosen pembimbingnya. Tidakkah hal itu terdengan sangat aneh? David sangat tahu dengan jelas bahwa beasiswanya diberhentikan karena prestasinya menurun, bukan salah Profesor itu. Pihak keluarga telah diberitahu sejak hari pertama diberitahukan bahwa beasiswanya diberhentikan, dan pihak keluarga menerima, dan mampu untuk membayarnya, David juga bersikap biasa2 saja tentang pemberhentian beasiswanya. Bagi yang mengenal dia, tentu tahu bahwa dia orang yang sangat cuek, hal ini juga dapat dilihat dari post edwin.

3. Dikatakan pula, bahwa David depresi karena tidak mampu menyelesaikan FYPnya. Seorang rekan David disana menyatakan bahwa FYP David hampir selesai. Dia tidak pulang ke Indonesia pada akhir semester lalu, karena ingin berkonsentrasi menyelesaikan FYPnya. Bagi yang mengenal David, apalagi kami teman sekolahnya, tentu tahu, David sejak dulu memang ketagihan game, tapi 1 hal, dia selalu mengerjakan tugas dan PRnya dengan baik, tanpa bantuan orang lain apalagi menyalin hasil pekerjaan orang lain. Jadi, jika dikatakan dia menyerang dosen pembimbingnya karena FYPnya tidak selesai, hal itu benar2 tidak masuk diakal.

4. David diberitakan pula menghilang dari pergaulan selama kurang lebih 1 minggu sebelum kejadian, namun keluarga David tahu yang sebenarnya, David sedang berkonsentrasi untuk menyelesaikan FYPnya, jadi pernyataan bahwa David menghilang dari pergaulan karena sedang depresi dan ingin membunuh itu sangat tidak valid, karena saat itu dia banyak chatting dengan kakaknya, bahkan bermain game online bersama temannya di Indonesia. Terlihat seperti orang depresi yang mau membunuh dosennya? Tidak sama sekali!

Saat ini fakta-fakta yang muncul setelah menyingkirkan pemberitaan media adalah:
1. David meninggal jatuh dari lantai 4, tanpa luka sayatan di pergelangan tangan, dan dengan luka di bagian leher, serta bagian bokong berlumuran darah.
2. Sang Profesor keluar dari rumah sakit dalam 2 hari, tanpa kejelasan dan foto apakah dia terluka atau tidak.
3. Pisau tidak jelas berasal darimana, dan ditemukan tanpa gagang.
4. Pihak universitas menutup-nutupi kejadian ini.

Spekulasi dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan:

Apakah benar David menyerang profesor saat dia sedang membungkuk menghadap ke layar komputer? Jika itu benar, maka tidak mungkin saat ini profesor tersebut telah pulang ke rumahnya dalam 2 hari sejak kejadian.

Apakah sang profesor tersebut yang justru menyerang David?
Tidak tahu, namun jika ya, apa motifnya?

Saat ini santer beredar di Singapura kabar bahwa sang Profesor ingin merebut FYP milik David. Hal ini didukung oleh kesaksian teman David yang mengatakan FYP David hampir selesai. Apakah mungkin seorang dosen dan Profesor dari universitas terkemuka di negara maju mau merebut FYP milik mahasiswanya sendiri? Apakah ini motif sesungguhnya? Kita tidak tahu!

Another Speculation, Logical Thinking, Opinion and Facts! Please share Your Logic! - Another Post For David Hartanto Widjaja

This is a good forum. This forum gives us a good opportunity to speak and to share our views. Should we just keep silent and let the works done by the police or should we speak? Two heads are always better than one head! Whatever logic that pop up in our mind if we don't speak, nobody can know. When you speak, people can think and see your logic. Some may think it is a speculation, but others may not think in that way. When we speak, I believe we can also help this society to see things with different perspective which in the end can also help media or police or whoever it is to have a better idea.

The event didn't occur in the open space but it happened inside the room. The problem doesn't become a simply black and white, instead it becomes gray. Many things can possibly happen inside. It is interesting to see your logic in this gray area. It is not done for the sake of intellectual arguments, but for the sake to bring the justice to this society. It is also not to say who is right or wrong. It is still too early, I believe, to come to that conclusion. What we can do so far, probably is too share in the meantime.

According to the media, David snapped his supervisor, slit his wist, runned away to the lower floor, sitted on the roof and then jumped down. Initially, it sounds so true. However, something is probably not right.

According to the latest news from his close friends and family, there is no sign that his wrist was wounded. It is not his wrist which was wounded, but his neck was wounded. Did his neck wound before or after his dead? This is still unknown.

Did he jump down after sitting at the roof or did he fall down from the roof? This is also not clear. At that NTU's roof, there is no protection. If we assume he was injured from his neck, probably he lost his conscious, got dizzy, and fall down. Some normal people even if they are not injured can get dizzy with high, not so say when we are injured. I do not know the correct answer. If he fall down rather than jumped down, it may be a good sign that he did not have any attentions to kill himself!

Is he a person that hide all his problems inside himself? According to the news, one time he spoke with another professor when he wrongly assumed the responsibility given by that professor. He was also very active in the online Math Olimpiade forum under philosophy to discuss about God. It seems like he is a person that will speak when he has a problem. It doesn't seem that he is person that like to hide his problems.

Is he a loner? Previously, he was a president of electronic sports of NTU. How can a loner become a president who is supposed to be active in campus? To be able to stay in NTU campus, we also have to be very active because we need to accumulate points. Otherwise, we have to stay outside.

Is it true that the motive behind the attact is because of his terminated scholarship? The scholarship was terminated due to his previous semester performance. At the beginning of this semester, whatever he did, it will not affect because the scholarship has been terminated. So, whatever the professor did, logically the professor can't affect his scholarship anymore. This is last semester, there is also no point again to get scholarship for the next semester. So, what is the relationship between termination of scholarship with the attack? I really can't see the connection. Some said he attacked a wrong person because he think this professor was the one who terminated his scholarship. This is also not logic. He already have this scholarship for at least 3 years, so he know clearly who is the one to give the scholarship which should be MOE in this case. It is difficult to believe if he is so dumb to see this thing.

Is it true that because he has a problem with his final year project (FYP), he attacked his professor? It doesn't seem right. The FYP was still in the making progress. The are still plenty of time to do something for his FYP. That day is not a submission day. He also can't know the end result yet.

Is there something outside academic that has triggered this incident? Why not? Currently, only the professor knows.

It is very unfortunate that up to now, we still can't get enough information from the professor.

in fact, there are still many things that sound strange in the media report. Probably, our shares can give some light to this mystery. So, please do speak!

The Fact About David Hartanto's Incident (?)

I am one of David Hartanto's close friend and I am here to give you
some facts, assumptions, possibilities about this case


1. Lok Tat Seng: Dean of Student of NTU gathered all Indonesian students in
International Student Center on evening after incident and
he just said there was witness on the spot who saw David's body lying on the ground,
dead. Dean did not said that witness saw David jumped from balcony.
And that is, according to him, all he has saw.

2. The only official statement from police is: David was found dead at
the crime scene, they did not mention whether he commited suicide.

The link: http://www.straitstimes.com/STI/STIM...20at%20NTU.pdf

They also just mention 'The professor was believed to be stabbed'. The police
did not say that 'the professor was stabbed'. Where this assumption come from? Why
they did not say about it?

3. I and some Indonesian students gather tonight, 3 March 2009, at 8 pm,
at International Student Center and talked to David's parent.
They have seen his body. There was NO WOUND whatsoever on his wrists
and police also has confirmed it.
I assumed that his parent would not lie it means that all media news about
'David slashed his wrist' was FAKE.

4. The wounds found on David's body, according to his parents,
were on his head (It is assumed due to fall injury),
and slash wound on his neck. The wound on his neck is very suspicious, in
my opinion. How he received that wound?? Again, according to his parent,
police guessed that it may be happened when the bottom part of his head smashed
the ground. In that case, his chin will have broken and it did not.

1. David stabbed professor. How did you know? The crime scene is closed room,
only David and that professor. No one see what has happened.
Eye-witness only saw David run out from that room.

2. David commited suicide. How could someone who commited suicide drop himself
into glassed roof, instead of directly drop himself to ground.

3. David slashed his wrist. I do not know where this news came from...

4. David's motivation.

4.1. He pissed off since his prof did not give satisfactory grade

The grade has not been released and he even has not submitted the report.
It is also NTu policy not to inform the student about the grade which they got
before release of the result.

4.2. He has mental problem

No record in Student Counselling Centre about his attendance. For bright student
as him, I did not believe that he did not attend counseling if he has some
problems. Also, he still brought bag with usual daily stuff, on incident day,
such as drink bottle, towel, etc. If David planned to kill someone why would
he prepare to bring such things. It is easier for him to just bring one knife
and stab his prof on spot.

4.3. He pissed off because his scholarship has been revoked

I knew David since I was his roommate for 2 consecutive
years during Mathematical Olympiad training camp. He almost did not
qualify for IMO, only managed to get at 14th rank from 15 people selected.
He still joked and laughed to me at that time. He also did not get anything
from IMO and still fine, not seemed depressed whatsoever, and according to his
parents, he said 'At least, I managed to represent Indonesia at IMO'
He also still play Hammerfall game in Facebook at 2 am on the incident day. My friend
saw his Facebook account online. How come
a murderer played game in the night before incident? If I was him,
I will seriously think how would I prepare myself tomorrow

1. Professor attacked David. I deduced this thing for several key points.
According to many reports, David's cloth was soaked on blood. If the blood is
the result from slashing his wrist, it should not soak his cloth since wrist is
far from body. If the wound is from neck, it is easier.

2. David tried to run from Professor. After he realized that he was attacked,
he resisted and run from that room, with wound on his neck.

3. David falled because of unconsciousness. He became panic and probably lose
his common sense because of terrible bleeding, drop himself down into glassed roof
to escape from his Professor."

I'm just copying from that link without change anything, can you think logic, about David Hartanto's dead????

nothing SPECIAL i told you!!!!!

oday, there is'nt nothing special, yeah, the same with the main topic..
I'm just looking with the video that appeared at awing's satus in fb, there's a man with two sounds..his name is Nick Pitera, he has sung many songs, and I shocked when I heard his sound..if you want to see him, you can searh at youtube with keyword Nick Pitera(because I don't know how to download this link into my laptop), and you want to say "sancu" to me...

don't you think Nick Pitera is resemble with Hieronimus Eka Saputra Solo???

that's for today...(this post must be posted yesterday, but it was error last night)
see yah..

Monday, March 02, 2009

tears and joy..

yesterday is ewel's birthday, and study famz made a surprise for him..that's my joy....
"Happy Birthday" yah wel...
wish you all the best...
our surprise made him, couldn't say anything,,,
yeah, he said :
"kmrn ngerasa nya dunia dah mauk ancur
tapi sekarang kalian bikin aku semangat
bener2 dah kalian
sa gk bisa kasi komen apa2"
but, there's is my sadness, and it can makes me cry..and that's about mucis, after finishing high school, i planned to take music, but the condition made me coulldn't take that..the condition is you have to finish 8th grd of royal test..OMG..i'd finished 3rd grd in that. and I've just taken 4th grd when I finished my high school. so sad, yeah BIG SAD...
and in my life, I've just followed the concert three times, 1st time at Maestoso's concert, the theme was Musicages, 2nd times at Staccato's concert, INDONESIA YOUNG MUSICIAN PERFORMANCE, and i found someone, a little girl called Jesslyn Julia Gunawan, she's so funny, and sometimes she's so shy, and she's so smart, diligent, she'd taken violin and piano, she made me speechless..and the last but not the least, at Bali, when i got high score (3rd grd),,it was distintion, 137..thx God, it's amazing..
but now, I've never exercise my finger again, my hand is so rigid...and exactly yesterday Maestoso held concert again, I was so sad, fiuh, I hold out my tears, I know, I wasn't Maestoso's student anymore, and I know I can't follow that, but my feeling, I wanna participate of it..thx for my mom, she always support me every time, when i feel sad, like this time.I've already cried in my bed, and I feel better now...
thank you God, you make my life so wonderful...